Most Famous Case of Sexual Cannibalism

This form of cannibalism has featured in a number of court cases. Ornella Volta gives us a number of graphic cases in which cannibalism has been linked to sexual pleasure. Gilles Garnier killed a young girl with his hands and teeth, and took a piece of her flesh home to his wife. A certain Andrea Bichel murdered little girls and was recorded as saying, “as I tore open their chests I was so excited that I wanted to tear off a piece of flesh and eat it.” Tirsch boiled human flesh before eating it, and Antoine Leger ate it raw. The following court dialogue has been quoted by Volta
Judge: But what did you want to do with this little girl?

Leger: Eat her up, your Honour.

Judge: And why did you drink her blood?

Leger: I was thirsty, your honour.

Only instances of necrophilia in Greek antiquity

Licht “can only quote three passages from Grecian antiquity;” Dimoetes had sexual intercourse with a drowned girl; Herodotus relates how an Egyptian embalmer “misused the dead body of a beautiful woman,” and he also tells us how Periander committed an offence on the dead body of his wife Melissa after he had perhaps accidentally – killed her.

WSR Writer

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