Posts in Category: uncategorized

First Female Pin-Up

In 1887, Charles Dana Gibson – then twenty years of age – began a long-term contract with “Life”. As a young man, Gibson “dipped his pen in the cosmic urge and tried to draw a girl so alluring that other young men would want to climb into the picture and

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The Oldest Sex Manual

The oldest sex manuals in the world can be traced to China, more than two and a half thousand years before the birth of Christ. Huang-Ti (2697-2598 B.C.), the legendary Yellow Emperor, has been regarded as the originator of the traditional sex practices and beliefs. The ancient “Handbooks of Sex,”

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First Vaginal Transplant

A woman aged twenty-one in Salonica was reported as having a boyfriend, two years after receiving a vagina transplant from her mother aged fifty. A professor at the city’s university was reported as saying there had been no signs of tissue rejection. The woman’s previous deformity had led to the

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Smallest Penis by Race

In the Jacobus survey the Hindu man was reckoned to have a penis that only averaged around 4 inches, a much smaller figure than for the other races investigated. In the Chartham survey the smallest organs in the various nationality groups were as follows: English – 2¾ in.; West German

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Flagellation: Most Sadistic 19th Century Book

One of the most sadistic books of the nineteenth century was entitled, “Experimental Lecture, By Colonel Spanker, on the Exciting and Voluptuous Pleasures to be derived from crushing and humiliating the spirit of a beautiful and modest young lady; as delivered by him in the assembly room of the Society

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The Largest Buttocks

The largest buttocks occur in cases of steatopygy, generally associated with Hottentot, Bushman, and other African tribes. The condition is said to be rare in white women. In its most developed state each buttock can be two or three feet across and even the youngest members of the tribe can

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Least Pendulous Breasts by Race

The smallest and least pendulous breasts are usually attributed to the Mongoloids. Among such people the women often appear with an almost boyish slimness and the vast mammaries favoured in other parts of the world would be regarded as monstrous deformities.

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Most Remarkable Tricks Played by Vagina

The vagina, usually associated with sexual intercourse and childbirth, can be employed in a variety of other ways. In addition to serving as a money-box the vagina can also play the part of a billiard table, a game seemingly favoured in parts of Scandinavia. Thus one writer (J. C. Lauret

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Oldest Woman to Menstruate

The onset and termination of menstruation is subject, like all other sexual phenomena, to immense variation. It has been known for a girl to start menstruating at three months old (H. Jolly in “Sexual Precocity”, Proc. Royal Soc. Med. 44, 1951), and occasionally the menopause too occurs at a very

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Longest Sustained Intercourse

The act of putting the penis inside the vagina but deliberately holding back from orgasm has been termed coitus reservatus. It has also been denoted Karezza in Sanskrit and Hindu literature. In some instances it has been practised by whole communities, as in the Oneida Colony in the nineteenth century

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